Happy Friday! It is officially moving day..and my house is still not all the way packed! I mean I swear I don’t know where this stuff comes from. It is like every closet and cabinet is never ending! It should be an interesting day having my husband and brother in law ask me 1000 times why my stuff still isn’t packed!
Now, I can’t lie to you, after 2nd grade I never thought I would wear a skort again, yes, you read that right. I said skort. I know! But seriously they are the BEST! I am on a hunt now for several more colors!
Oh, and to see if you won the 35$ Gift card to Pink Blush go here!
Photos by Sarah Lyn Photography
Skort: Darling Dispositions // Top: Concrete Runway // Bag: Lily Jade // Necklace: TAudrey // Shoes: Similar Below //
Beautiful pics! Love the entire outfit!
You are so sweet! Thank you, Andrea!
I love this look. Blue is a stunning color on you!
xx, Kylie Rae
Awe, thank you so much Kylie!