I am sure I am not the only one out there but my hair is my comfort place. I am VERY attached to every hair on my head and do not take any for granted! Maybe this is the hairdresser in me, or maybe it is the girl in me. Who knows? But either way, I know I am not the only one who feels that way!
Yesterday, one of my best friends cut about 5 inches off my hair. It was terrifying but also so liberating! I am not talking about this today to talk about myself, but because of so many emails about girls who are thinking about making a change with their own hair!
I feel like I was relying on my long hair to make me feel beautiful way too much, you wouldn’t believe how much”more” beautiful I feel with my new cut! It has so much bounce and volume and is so healthy! Plus, I always have my extensions to put in any time I want!! 🙂
But for all the girls that emailed me, messaged me and friends who text me after I posted on Instagram yesterday that I cut it, I highly recommend it! I love it
Necklace: c/o TAudrey