Hi all! I have a few outfits that I took pictures of right before Walker was born! I couldn’t think of a better outfit for today because I totally feel like a Mama Bear right now. I have never felt so protective and frightened for my babies as I do right now. Braydon is doing great, he has been with us a lot and also with my parents and our close friends. We have such a great support system to help us with him and I couldn’t be more thankful.
Just to give everyone a quick update on what is going on since I know a lot of people are wondering on instagram. I went in for my checkup at my 37 weeks and 2 day point and we found that Walker was no longer gaining any weight and they had suspicions of my placenta going bad, they called it something, I think IUGR or IGUR or something. Basically, long story short, he wasn’t growing. They told me at that appointment I was going to be induced that same day to go home and pack my bags, find a sitter for Bray and head back to the hospital, so that is exactly what Ryan and I did.
We went in for our induction. I got hooked up and started the process by about 4 o’clock and had a very easy labor and delivery. I only had to push one time- CRAZY- I know, and he was out.
Walker was born at 2:18 am, 5lbs 10.5oz and 19 inches long. They laid him on my chest for Ryan to cut the cord and then all of the sudden his breathing got really weak and they had to take him from me. Our hospital is very small and doesn’t have a NICU and after having to resuscitate him, while Ryan and I laid there panicking and praying harder than I have ever prayed in my entire life they decided they were going to ambulance him about 2 hours away to a large hospital with a great NICU.
As any mother knows, having your baby taken from you, and then driven 2 hours away from you is the absolute most helpless and terrifying feeling in the entire world. Words can not describe the lump in my throat and the pain my heart felt.
They wouldn’t be able to discharge me until after 12 hours so Ryan and I decided that he would go ahead and go over to the new hospital with Walker because I wanted someone there with him and knew I would be fine. Once I was discharged my parents drove Braydon and I to the new hospital where we are staying across the street because we don’t have a room there since we didn’t deliver there. My parents have been great taking Bray back to the house to let him stay there some and have some normalcy and they also come stay with Ryan and I some too. We are taking it day by day and praying and visiting every few hours. I am trying so hard to be strong but seeing your baby so helpless and with so many iv’s and tubes is so, so, so heart breaking.
Walker has pneumothorax which could possibly be from resuscitation, or from almost anything. I can not thank those nurses and doctors enough for saving my baby tho. Words will never be able to express my gratitude for his life. I know that only God and time can heal and I am trying so hard to be patient and strong for both Walker and Braydon. He now has a chest tube on his right side and we are hoping that his left lung heals well enough on his own to not need one on his left side as well. I will keep you all updated as we get updates in a few days but it literally is just a waiting and praying game. Please keep our precious Walker in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you all so much for your support.
Just to give everyone a quick update on what is going on since I know a lot of people are wondering on instagram. I went in for my checkup at my 37 weeks and 2 day point and we found that Walker was no longer gaining any weight and they had suspicions of my placenta going bad, they called it something, I think IUGR or IGUR or something. Basically, long story short, he wasn’t growing. They told me at that appointment I was going to be induced that same day to go home and pack my bags, find a sitter for Bray and head back to the hospital, so that is exactly what Ryan and I did.
We went in for our induction. I got hooked up and started the process by about 4 o’clock and had a very easy labor and delivery. I only had to push one time- CRAZY- I know, and he was out.
Walker was born at 2:18 am, 5lbs 10.5oz and 19 inches long. They laid him on my chest for Ryan to cut the cord and then all of the sudden his breathing got really weak and they had to take him from me. Our hospital is very small and doesn’t have a NICU and after having to resuscitate him, while Ryan and I laid there panicking and praying harder than I have ever prayed in my entire life they decided they were going to ambulance him about 2 hours away to a large hospital with a great NICU.
As any mother knows, having your baby taken from you, and then driven 2 hours away from you is the absolute most helpless and terrifying feeling in the entire world. Words can not describe the lump in my throat and the pain my heart felt.
They wouldn’t be able to discharge me until after 12 hours so Ryan and I decided that he would go ahead and go over to the new hospital with Walker because I wanted someone there with him and knew I would be fine. Once I was discharged my parents drove Braydon and I to the new hospital where we are staying across the street because we don’t have a room there since we didn’t deliver there. My parents have been great taking Bray back to the house to let him stay there some and have some normalcy and they also come stay with Ryan and I some too. We are taking it day by day and praying and visiting every few hours. I am trying so hard to be strong but seeing your baby so helpless and with so many iv’s and tubes is so, so, so heart breaking.
Walker has pneumothorax which could possibly be from resuscitation, or from almost anything. I can not thank those nurses and doctors enough for saving my baby tho. Words will never be able to express my gratitude for his life. I know that only God and time can heal and I am trying so hard to be patient and strong for both Walker and Braydon. He now has a chest tube on his right side and we are hoping that his left lung heals well enough on his own to not need one on his left side as well. I will keep you all updated as we get updates in a few days but it literally is just a waiting and praying game. Please keep our precious Walker in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you all so much for your support.
Photos by Sarah Lyn Photography
Prayers for you Momma and Walker! Psalm 56:3 What time I am afraid I will trust in thes.
Obsessed with your black skirt. You look so chic!
Praying for your little guy! He looked precious in the photos on Instagram.
Keeping your family in my prayers!
He is so beautiful! We at Carolina Clover are praying for baby Walker!
Congratulations on baby Walker! Prayers for all as he becomes stronger!