When celebrating anything with my girls it must involve two things, a pretty atmosphere as well as wine. On warm summer evenings a semi-sweet chilled white wine is exactly what we need. I invited my girlfriend over for a little celebration. We sat out on two oversized beach blankets and caught up on life and all of our reality shows over the past week. Bachelorette included, anyone else being driven nuts by this season?! I love Middle Sister Wine for any type of celebration. The Middle Sister brand is based on a series of quirky “middle sister” characters who each claim their own varietal and personality. The various sisters are engaging and entertaining. Middle Sister just received a brand makeover and now features “Drops of Wisdom” which are a dose of inspiration right on the front label. Check out the fabulous new look!
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
Looks good! I don't think I have seen it here 🙁 nice review)
Lovely Read!
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