Happy Monday! Hope you all had a great weekend! It was actually freezing in Florida but we did a little shopping and cleaning out of my closet! It is amazing how stuff can build up so quickly!
Anyways, I decided to take you into my home again! During Braydon’s naps I usually take full advantage of trying to get as much cleaned and done as I can but every once in a while I try to make it a priority to do nothing during his nap. Sometimes-well more than sometimes now that I am pregnant and exhausted-I nap while he’s napping. But on other days, if I am already ready for the day and we have things to do when he wakes up, I take time to sit in my favorite chair and read a magazine or catch up on Pinterest–guilty pleasure.
Leggings: Preggo Leggings // Sweater: Pink Blush Maternity (non maternity options) // Faux Fur Blanket: Pottery Barn // Mirror: Target (no longer available, other options) //
LOVE everything about this post 🙂 Thanks for sharing!