Hey y’all!! So I have a seriously obsession with my eyebrows lately! I am letting them grow in as thick as they will but I have a scar in my right eyebrow which makes it harder because the thicker they are, the more noticeable the scar is because hair won’t grow there! I have been using their Boom Boom Brow Job on my eyebrows every night and I can really tell a difference!! I realize the lighting isn’t the best to be able to see the colors I am using in the video but I added some pictures before of the my brows with this color and exact products on my brows! The top two pics are outside and the bottom one is inside so you can see the difference in lighting! And do not worry, I am starting to look into some lighting for my videos since I have been making them more often! If anyone has any affordable recommendations please let me know!
The products in the video can all be purchased at amazon.com! Also, they are giving you guys 20% off of the products Brow-ssiere, Push Up and Brow Job. Brow Job is the treatment I have been applying at night to thicken my brows! The code is BBLIPS20.