Common Questions for January 2019
1. What lipstick are you wearing? I tend to keep the same 5 colors on cycle. If I try something out of the norm, you guys are always the first to spot it and ask about it on insta stories! My top 5 that I wear on rotation are listed here.
2. How do you find time to get ready? Ya’ll, it ain’t easy with 3 kids! Or even with 2 to be frank, but you have to make time for it. I am always so much more productive on days that I get ready and work out. I find, even though it saves me a good hour and a half in my day by not doing those two things – I still do not get near as much done!
Depending on the age of your kids, try to get ready while they are watching their morning cartoons or taking a late morning nap. I work out while Charli is up and running around because she thinks it’s hilarious to watch me work out – I don’t know if I should be offended or not? haha. And if I need to get ready while she’s awake, I get ready right beside the bathtub and let her play in there with extra shallow water while I do my makeup!
3. How have you lost your weight in 2019? I think it is a combination of a lot of things! First and foremost – I haven’t had a drop of alcohol or soda since Jan 1 around 1 am! haha I stopped cold turkey when we woke up on New Years Day. I feel like that removed a lot of water weight and bloat. I also have been working out 5 days a week, consistently and have reduced carb intake when I can, and when I do eat carb. I make sure they are healthy ones. We do not even have white rice or potatoes (except sweet) in our house currently. It makes a difference when you don’t have those things to grab for a quick dinner. I also have replaced my snacks with the South Beach Diet snacks and am taking the Premium CLA supplements from GNC. (Use code JESS20 for discount online)
4. Do you like your micro blading or would you do it again? OMG YES YES, and YES again! Best thing I have done in a while! Truly, mad I didn’t do it sooner! If you go to Jaime at Blush in 30AVE, mention me and she will give you your touch up for free!
5. Do you have before and afters of lip injections? Yes, here is the original blog post from before I ever got them! Then the picture below was after those wore off again, about a year later. (Basically, a month before I got them done this past time) She uses Juviderm Ultra.
6. Did you use natural products while pregnant? Not necessarily. I had everything approved by my doctor before using but it was most of the same stuff I always use minus a few stronger products. As far as deodorant, I still used the dove spray on – it’s my favorite.
7. How tall are you? I am 5’2″, so height is definitely not one of my strong points. Ha!
8. Fitness Routine? I wish I had a secret, but I LOVE me some youtube videos. I just search for what I want to work out that day and find a 15-25 min video that looks fun to try that day. It keeps my body guessing, what’s next. On the weekends tho – I run and workout with Ryan << That is torture. lol
9. What Mascara do you use? I still use the mascara and primer from this blog post
10. Do you and Ryan want any more children? No, at least we are 99% sure. I just got the IUD so it gives us some time to think about it before making the big snip haha.
11. What self-tanner do you use? I have the BEST GIRL ever who comes to my house to spray me. Shelby Herron Beauty comes anytime I need her and sprays me with the rapid. Yes, she comes to your house – it’s a dream! When I am traveling or I forget to text Shelby in time tho – I will use this in a pinch. But, 9/10 times it’s Shelby or her spray that you can buy online.
12. Advice for starting a successful blog? I get asked this question once a day. And, I have to be honest – to start a successful and HONEST blog -it ain’t easy. And these girls you see ‘killing it’ in less than a year, well, I am just going to say it…their growth isn’t honest (no matter how much they swear it is) and it is going to come back to bite them. They did not get 300k followers in one year or 600k in two unless Kim Kardashian shared their page – which, I looked….she didn’t!
But, that’s a rant for another time, it is not my place to point fingers or call anyone out. So, I started my blog in 2012, when blogging wasn’t so oversaturated and it was so much easier to grow..and it still took me over a year to start making money and to get a solid following (which back then was 10-15k followers.) My biggest advice is to keep it consistent and personal. I used to blog time and time again about what outfit I was wearing – and I love doing that occasionally for a special outfit but – those blog posts do not get as much traffic as a blog such as this one would. People follow you because they think you are interesting. And while they love it when you find them a good sale on your favorite tee – they also want to see all sides of you. I think it’s super informed to be engaged on several platforms and show all sides of your life. Just be you, people who are similar to you, and even opposite of you will attract!
Love your posts and your Instagram! I just started my own blog, and I love what you mentioned about staying true to who you are. I see you do that every day with your posts, and it’s so inspiring!
OMG that means so much to me. seriously! Thank you!
I totally ordered the CLA when you shared it the first time and coonit wait to start it!!!
Yay!!!! Have you started it?