Happy Thursday ya’ll!! I have gotten so many questions about how my Invisalign is going as well as to why I am doing Invisalign, since my teeth were not “that” bad/crooked to begin with.
So, I had my year and a half of braces when I was younger, just as many other middle and high schoolers do. I absolutely LOVED the way my teeth looked after I had them taken off. Teeth are one of the first things I look at on someone, and in my opinion – it tells you a lot about that person.
When I look at someones teeth, I get a feel for their health, hygiene, and self love. Obviously, this isn’t always the case. I know some people, no matter how hard they work at keeping their teeth healthy, sometimes it is just harder due to health related issues. But in general, I feel like it really tells you about them. I also feel this way about peoples skin, but thats a whole other story I will get into another day!
Okay, back to why I am getting Invisalign with Dr. Wiebe at Smileology. First – lets be honest – I am OCD. I have always been this way, sometimes I am more OCD than others, it depends on what it is and what is going on in my world. With three kids, I have learned to loosen up and not to sweat the small stuff (ie. organized kids toys or kitchen cabinets is just not happening at this point in my life). When I got my braces off I was great about wearing my retainers until I went to college. I honestly, never really wore them and I have regretted that for years, because I couldn’t ever get them to go back on my teeth. When you look at the picture below you will see from the front my top teeth look really straight, but the front left tooth jutted out a bit and all of my teeth tilted forward (think, very subtle horse mouth situation) Ha! I can’t believe I even said that, it really was so subtle but enough to where I can’t bite my nails (good thing right?) and I can’t bite pasta noodles. Weird, I know but I have to use my tongue to press the noodles against my top teeth to bite them. Like I said, weird!
My bottom teeth are just over crowded. I have a feeling I am going to have to sleep in retainers the rest of my life to keep them straight but fixing my bottom teeth was purely a cosmetic choice. I didn’t like how they looked over crowded and I do not like it when I see just one random tooth being pushed to the back. It is truly a strange pet peeve I have.
The reason I went back to Smileology for my Invisalign (she also did my lips, you can read the full post here) Was because I really trust Dr. Wiebe to listen to exactly what I want and she always just makes it happen. Plus, I love working with her and the girls in her office are seriously the best. I could probably spend hours in there just hanging out with them. Trust me – when you go in there, you will see! Don’t be surprised if you see me hanging out behind the front desk just chit chatting. Lol Plus, Charli likes going to visit the girls even more than I do!
My Invisalign plan consists of 14 trays, and I am actually switching one tray a week. Since my teeth aren’t having to move a tremendous amount, it’s okay for me to do this – this will not be an option for everyone tho, depending on how much your roots are having to move.
This is what the trays look like in. You can see them a little bit, and I do talk a little funny still when they are in, but overall they are not noticeable at all! If you had braces and want to get that beautiful smile back, or if you haven’t had braces and want straight teeth without becoming a metal mouth, I HIGHLY recommend Invisalign! So far the process has been amazing. I will share after photos when I get done with my trays!