Yes, there is a such thing. Cucumber, Mint, and Lemon Water This water helps detox, enrich, and boosts metabolism!!! Sounds amazing right…here’s how! Cucumbers have around 45 calories with the skin still on, and about 35 without the skin. They contain:: vitamin C (immune system, eye disease, and skin wrinkling) vitamin K (blood clotting and strong bones) vitamin A (vision,… View Post
Newtown, CT I have spent the past two days thinking about these poor poor families of these sweet innocent children. My mommy heart hurts so so bad for all of these parents and siblings and families! Please keep these families in your prayers and thoughts for not only this weekend, or the rest of the year 2012, but for eternity…. View Post
Somebody’s 5 months old!!!!!! I really cant believe how fast the time is flying, at the same time it could go faster so my husband could be home to share this time with us. Braydon is just growing up so fast..but still not sleeping through the night?? I am not sure why this is but I still am feeding this… View Post
Braydon met Santa Today!!!! He did not seemed amused at all, but a the same time, things could have been a lot worse!!! Walking bye later I could hear a child screaming, for this year…atleast it wasnt my child!!! Who knows what next year will bring!!!! Shirt- Childrens Place Pants- Old Navy
I love my little boy. I love Christmas. I love photography…so why not put them all together?! This is totally his mommy’s face I know I know…hes adorable! xo
Blowing Rock
Good Evening! I know I have been so so slack. Thanksgiving holiday and preparing for Christmas has thrown me off and kept me busy! While I have been busy tho I took a great day trip up to Blowing Rock with my best friend and maid of honor! While we were up there we ate at Storie Street which is… View Post
We love college sports in my family My husband and I were both raised on college sports, especially college football. There is nothing like a fall saturday at a football game. Only thing is we were raised on different teams!!!! Our son is going to have a big decision to make!
Now I am not a health freak but I have discovered an amazing alternative to chips with my salsa addiction… Yes, celery. It gives just as much crunch as chips and has 0 calories!!!! Now I am not saying I will completely cut out chips, NOT POSSIBLE, but it will be a good option when I’m having my 10 pm… View Post
Our weekend
Our Weekend… Miss April moved back to Hickory temporarily! Fall favorite..only thing that gets me through my day I love shopping for Braydon! We started Rice Cereal this weekend! He loves it Have a Happy Monday!
Army Wife
As you get to know me you will see I love all things beauty and fashion, sometimes a little too much!! What you will also see is I love my husband and my baby boy even more!!! As the wife of an active military member who is currently deployed to Afghanistan, being a temporarily single mom is not easy!!! I… View Post