Did you know that it is National Breastfeeding Month? To be 100% honest, I just found out a few days ago! In honor of August being National Breastfeeding Month – Walmart is running some really great deals on items that will aid with making breastfeeding easier.
This being said I wanted to call out – I completely get that a lot of people choose, or in some cases – have the decision made for them due to not being able to produce enough milk or other underlying situations; to not breastfeed. Ya’ll this is okay!
To be honest- I breastfed Braydon until he was around 5 months old – and I hated it. But, I felt guilty about not doing it, so I did it.
With Walker, I really wanted to breastfeed him- and breastfed him (pumped while he was in the NICU) for four weeks, but ended up being diagnosed with postpartum depression and had to stop due to the medications I had to go on.
With Charli, I occasionally breastfed but 85% of the time, I pumped- for about 5 months – and, I actually loved it and didn’t really want to stop, but also felt like I wanted my own body back after three kids – so I chose to be done. I have great friends who never tried and other friends who breastfed until their babies were 18 months old! Mama, it is YOUR choice!
But, just in case you are a ‘pumper’ <<this was me, or are breastfeeding/have friends that are expecting and want to pump or breastfeed. Now is the time to stock up on items for less. Plus, the rocker, bottle warmers, bottles and boppy can be used for babies that are formula-fed as well!
When you scroll over the image, the sale price will pop up – I have put the retail price below that the item will return to once August is over.